Tuesday, February 17, 2009

LOVE ...

Love is based on two main foundations that hold it up firm and give it strength. Without these pillars, love is reduced to superficiality, to a delight that melts at the begining of tasting, to something that one would never attain satisfaction from despite excessive attainment of it, for they would have failed to grasp it, just like how the admirer of a rose rips its stalk out to devour its beauty, to savour its pleasureable sight smell and touch, minutes before it withers away lifelessly.

Ikhlas (sincerity) is the nourishment of love from which it roots from and it blossoms. Ikhlas serves to affirm the hearts connection to what it loves. Without ikhlas, the heart would never know, feel and understand. One minute it could be in ecstacy of what it admires and the next minute completely oblivious. A heart without ikhlas is a heart of confusion. Ikhlas is something that doesn't sprout suddenly. It has to be nourished and developed. Once the heart knows ikhlas, the heart knows love.

Tawwakal (trust and reliance) is the backbone of love. There can be no love if there is no trust. One who truly loves is one who sacrifices his ego to trusting his love and there can be no greater sacrifice than to sacrifice to the Source of All Trust, The Disposer of all Affairs. The Source chooses whom we are meant to love. Loving Him ultimately with complete reliance and trust is what affirms and stabilises our love with whom He choses us to love.

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