Monday, January 26, 2009

"Verily, this world is a house of truth for those who look into it deeply and carefully, an abode of peace and rest for those who understand its ways and moods, and it is the best working ground for those who want to procure rewards for the Hereafter. It is a place of acquiring knowledge and wisdom for those who want to acquire them, a place of worship for the friends of God and for angels. It is a place where prophets receive revelations of the Lord. It is the place for virtuous people and saints to do good deeds and to be given rewards for the same. Only in this world could they trade with God's favors and blessings and only while living here they could barter their good deeds, with His blessings and rewards."

(Nahj al-Balaghah, short maxims No. 130)

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