Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Purification ... Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-Habib

If you truly want purification
From all shirk and self-regard 
And to drink from the spring of Tasnimi 
Till your thirst is satisfied

You must wrap yourself up in endurance 
Wind repentance around your head 
Wear the tunic of firm self-denial 
And in it exhaust your strength 

And you need a good pair of strong sandals 
One of hope and one of fear 
With a staff made of certainty by you 
And a store of pure taqwa 

You need also the bridle of knowledge 
For the steed of high desire 
With protection of trusty companions 
Which will keep your limbs from harm 

Press on quickly to your destination 
Being careful not to stop 
To reflect on material existence  
That will veil you from your home 

But reflect on God's kindness towards you 
Be sincere in thanking Him 

And get up before dawn and be humble 
And to Him address your plea 

Blessings be on the Pole of existence 
And on those who follow him 

In a way that will broadcast our secret 
And make it known to all


Anonymous said...

Alhamdulillah! Really a beautiful and true peon to the Sufi way :)

Happy New Year :) May Allah bless you and your family this year, and all the years to come. Ameen.

Ya Haqq!

Jafar Alam said...

Happy New Year to you too brother ... I'm waiting on your next book ... Is it still in the works? Give my salaam to your son and the rest of your family ...

Peace and Blessings