Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The great spiritual leaders have always said that humility is the surest sign of true understanding ... 

What is meant by humility or meekness ??? 
Are we not talking about humility when speaking of a sense of wonder ??? 

Can any man who stands in wonder of anything be other than humble !!! 

The truly humble man recognises his own uniqueness ... 
But he also recognises that he has a way to go ... 
Through his sense of wonder 
He is aware that there are still newer vistas of knowledge ... 
Still greater heights to climb ... 

The meekness, too, is not being meek to the things of the earth ... 
Not grovelling before the idols of the world ... 
On the contrary ... 
The meek man is meek in his wonderment of the glorious knowledge 
That must be behind outer appearances ... 

He is full of wonder ... 
Knowing that much truth remains invisible to his sensory system ... 

Humility and meekness both enable us to wonder ... 
To ponder ... 
To be in awe ... 

Perhaps our first step towards wisdom ...
Towards God-consciousness ...
Is getting rid of our know-it-allness ... 
And adopting an attitude of true humility ... 

We should begin to stand in awe ... 
To wonder at the infinite 
And unity that exist in the universe ... 

We shall never take the first step 
If we close our minds and hearts to the visible in the invisible, says a thinker ... 
Humbly we must look with eyes that see ...
And ears that hear ...

Rather than with the superior attitude of "I know all that" ... 
It is a sign of self-destroying egotism never to be impressed ... 
Never to be moved to wonder by anything or anyone ... 
It is a sign of wisdom to question ...
To wonder ... 

We learn only through the process of wondering ... 
He is foolish who believes that he must always act in a sophisticated manner...
As if he is in possession of all knowledge ... 
The wise man recognises that he knows not ... 

God gave us three essential abilities to develop the total consciousness: 

To reason ...
To know that we know ...
And to know that we know not ... 

The man who hopes to raise his consciousness 
Should develop his reasoning power 
And ability to sort and analyse what he knows 
And should know that he still has much to learn ... 

The humble man knows this and comes into a higher consciousness ...

Why do we lose our sense of wonder and humility ??? 
Because of the fear of appearing naive ... 
If one has real faith in God-force 
One should express all the more clearly one's sense of wonder ... 

If we approach anything in life with contempt due to familiarity 
And assumption of know-it-allness 
We are kept in ignorance ... 

We have to be humble to be creative ... 
Or to rise to a higher level of consciousness ... 

The person who is contemptuous 
Dwells in the lowest level of his consciousness ... 
And he suffers much ... 
As all men suffer who leave their humility buried 
In the mud of ignorance in which they are wallowing ... 

In what manner do we begin to reactivate this child-like 
But very mature and wise sense of wonder ??? 

The strength to sustain a sense of wonder with humility against the great pull of habit does not come easily ... 
It has to be willed by conscious action over and over again ... 
It takes very real effort and patience ... 
But it is most rewarding and it will spark our creativity ... 
And new horizons will be opened to us ... 
A great new awareness and a higher consciousness ...

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